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LGB Now Hate, Say Expert.


SHATTON, CA – The LGB have been totally removed, and turned into hate classifications with the sturdy activism of Transexuals, well largely Fluids. “It is hate to not recognize the supreme state of what ever someone Identifies as.” “To be Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual one needs to recognize social constructs of two genders.” Says activist and Trans Dating App founder Trendr, Lim Ted Tinker, who identifies as something new every minute and goes by the pronouns, Non, Not.
“The movement was not about having sex of your choice, it was being the the sex of your choice” said Lim, a fully neck bearded lady at the time of the quote.
“We have expelled all LGBs and alerted the Southern Poverty Law Centre,” He (at time of the quote) said, “They are oppressors, out with the LGBT, and in with the T2+.
He insists there is no point in fighting them, they own all the Media, Social Media, and so on, she scoffs at the end at how many people thought it was the Jews.

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Categories Politics, LGBT

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