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America Welcomes The Toner Standard


WAHSYERMONEY, DC – In a bold announcement, the US President and Gerald Ford Impersonator, Joseph Biden, said Monday that, “The United uh yeah, that Country we’re In, will be on thuh, toner standard, my financial experts suggest…” as he points to salt shakers.
They would be white, just saying.
He went on in his speech to say, “Trudy get down from there,” and “your not old enough to be mooing,” “I need changing,” and one pertinent thing, “We’ll have unlimited wealth, as long as the printer has…uh…that…toner stuff.’
Robert Reich chimed in, saying it was a “Stroke of genius, this is why I’m a Democrat, I recommended this every time Bill Clinton asked for my guidance.”
Bill Clinton couldn’t confirm this, allegedly hiding in a bunker due to something called a Maxwell Alert.
Others in agreement to the standard are Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, and just about everyone else running a country now.

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