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Feminists Burn Books, Successful To Stop Patriarchy.


SAN FRACESCA, CA – Womyn join up with their soy filled slave men to set a fire of books by great historical women.
Why would they do this? Well the spread of hate that flows through it, and the risk people may realize women didn’t need organized feminism established by the Temperance League in the 2nd to 4th wave as they are called.

“We don’t need men,” shout protesters as they get groveling male feminists to toss books into the fire, shouting, “Meritochracy Is For Patriarchy.” Burning the works of Wolstencraft and her daughter, George Sands, and even historical mentions of Betsy Ross and Aletta Jacobs. Even actual statements by Susan B Anthony where she demands equality in jail time.
When asked why, a harry knuckled lady who identified as not a Saskquach said, “We are the new woman, interesectional and not bound by anything but our many organizations.” Her name was oddly enough Sassy K Quach (insists that’s Koch).

Categories Intersectional, Politics

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