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Pelosi Announces New Legislation To Help Black Americans.


AHKTION, SC – After the announcement by Joe Biden that being unsure as too who to vote for between he and Trump makes you unblack. Ranting on saying planning to vote for John Monds makes you Oriental. Pelosi decided to announce some tactful legislation from a South Carolina Plantation.
“This will appeal to all Black People,” said Pelosi, “It will officially forgive any black persons who changes their vote to black, regardless of Party affiliation.”
The bill titled, “The Crow Amnesty Bill,” said it will offer special incentives to vote the right way for your race. But will not be imposed on white Americans yet. The bill also offers jobs to the many black supporters that they expect to volunteer at the South Carolina Plantation as seen behind Rep. Pelosi in the picture above.
A factory for will employ Blacks to freely make bumper stickers for Democrats at least until China is freed up for business.
It also promises only Democratic black voters will be safe from DWB tickets and will be forgiven all past DWB fines.



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