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As Cicada Season Ends, Experts Now Suggest Zombie Snails


INVERTABRAE, DC – Experts foreseeing a loss of mass Cicadas from Brood X as late as July 17th are scrambling to decide what we should eat.
Many experts have suggested the Zombie Snail, claiming not only does it have protein but something unique inside that will add to it’s flavor. “You got to get them before their usual predators do,” said chief anonymous source at the Dept of Invertebrate Studies.
Some say this is a solid replacement for a large steak, however some elected politicians worry that they may seek larger invertebrates.
“We don’t need them swarming Congress again, seeking a larger meal,” said Nancy Pelosi, “There has to be better solution that doesn’t put us at risk again.”
When asked where to find them, the expert explains that he isn’t an expert in Geography.

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