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Biden And App Company Announce New Jab Match


WHITEHOUSE, WASHINGTON, DC – Joe Biden and dating company Unhinge have come up with a plan to change dating apps all over.
Much like Grindr and PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), medicine people at risk for HIV take to prevent getting HIV. Truvada and Descovy, possibly a pun about stories about David Duchovny.
Well Big Pharma have new thing for people trying to get hitched, called a Jab, and Joe Biden is on the front line making sure people engaging in Dangerous rampant sexual habits are treated in a similar way for people breathing air.
No only have Biden and Unhinge been able to hammer out a feature in the app asking you for personal medical information about vaccinations, it also requires you to check off how your hair smells, especially when in fear.
It can be a sure thing that anyone using this feature will be constant fear, and the app will be able to analyze this, down to your hair’s smell, transferring the data straight to the Whitehouse.
Biden has said he won’t rest till he gets a little prick in anyone, whether they like it or not.

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