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Matt Gaetz Bought A Pizzaria In DC: FBI


SWAMPINGTON, DC – Unnamed Sources close to the FBI, have stated that Matt Gaetz bought a Pizzaria in Washington DC, and have even shown proof in the above photo, they claim, “is totally not photoshopped any way.”
The FBI has been investigating with BlueAnon, in an effort to make sure “nothing shady is happening there.”
When explaining no record of a Matt Gaetz is owning a Pizzaria, the FBI source said, sources close to his family said he bought it in another name.
They went on to say, “We aren’t saying he trafficked anything there,” “just we aren’t saying it can’t be proven nothing was.”
When asked if they plan on letting go the investigation, they said, “Maybe if we get enough Nook Tickets.” “We aren’t saying he has to have them,” they continued.
Note: We are not claiming #PizzaGaetz Is Real, just that accusations exists, and questions must be made.

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