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BC Government Hires Busybody To Tell People The Obvious.


MOUTHPEACE RIVER, BC – The BC Government had made a bold move in hiring Bonnie Henry. So far she has told you to respect each other’s space, well says “keep a distance,” so without a polite tone, which means “no close talking,” and rudely surprising people with hugs. She has told people to wash their hands.
Basically she has shared vital information people should have learned by age of 5. The Minister heading out this office of Medical Busy Bodies, is Adrian Dix, who said, “It should be clear it’s been NDP Policy to treat adults like Children,” and went on to explain his plans to introduce speeches that “get us all to put our hands on the table,” and introduce a police force that will “smell your hands after you go to the bathroom and before dinner.”
Critics say this is just a literal attempt at a nanny state, but how could anyone really come to that conclusion unless they are partisan BC Liberals, who sit aside quietly as a vicious official opposition.

Categories Medical, Canada


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