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Youtube Ushers In The 1950s: More To Do.


YOUPRUDE COMPOUND, CA – In an effort to bring in the 1950s in Youtube, CEO Susan Wojcicki, brought in a new set of requirements to get support from Adsense. With possible bans for violation.
“We have failed, Maza is right, we need to look to the Wisdom of the 20s and before that,” Wojciki slated as the Queen Victoria of Social Media stated, “In 2020 it will be illega..err…deplatformable to show your ankles on Youtube.”
“Dirty words, offensive words, ankles. We must stop all that degridation that isn’t being Gay while Islamists calling for you to be tossed off a building for being gay.” said Wojcicki.
Youtube is truly looking the the future, with a potential of Sepia Tone Films by Hand Crank.
“It’sth forward thsinking like thisth, that will kill Faithbook, and my masthers at NBC are just happy as can be,” said Carlosth Maza.
Youtube is paving the way to a dark age, and liberals are going crazy, with 89% of the people supporting the move according to our Shay Dee Poll.
Shay Dee, is a Transexual Black Woman in a Wheel Chair they hired to create polls for Youtube and not Pinkwash any suspicions against them.

Categories Bible Thumping, Big Tech

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