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NDP Clinch New Endorsement: Stanley's Ghost.


Sitting On My Ass, ON – In a seance today, Ms Muambo Joombo of the..well an institution….gave a seance where the Stanley “The Strapper” Milgram endorsed Tom Mulcair.
When asked why, the late emotional vampire, said, “We all have a choice, and only he would force a man in a chair to make that impossible choice.” In an atmosphere of Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dumn, and Twiddle Myself choice, he may be right. With some extra time he thanked George Bush Jr for making “Water boarding cool again,” and the Political Pension for being that bullet to the Mulcair Chair. Freud was happy to pop by and say he hopes Elizabeth May, “looks like a lot of Mothers out there.” Freddy Reich also saying, “He is glad they opposition is helping Harper hammer out a new Government,” and stated, “how much he loves the party system as a method to bend wills.”

Categories Canada, NDP

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