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Trudeau Marches In Saudi Pride: Announces Sharia In Canada


SAUDI DESERT, SAUDI ARABIA – I a bold move Trudeau announced that Sharia Law is coming to Canada, citing the Transphobic nature of opposing it.
“To suggest Arabs can not shove gays off a roof is racist.” said the Prime Minister of Canada, at the Saudi annual Pride event of Gay Tossing.
He also highly praised the idea of banning institutions of learning from Vancouver Pride where girls can go and learn.

In accordance to the renowned civil rights law, Justin Trudeau, seen in the Picture marching in Saudi Pride where he was not really making a weapons deal to have the Yamen population extinct, said that as long as it conforms with Fundamental Isamic rules any form of abuse of Gay Men, Lesbians, Women and what ever they like to inflict pain on is okay.
Many fundamental Christian sects are now rushing to convert in Canada as we speak as are, oddly enough, Hasidic Jews.

On Minds+

Categories Canada, LGBT

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