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Carlos Maza Comes Out As Homophobic: Instagram


SADBOTTOM, CA – In a pathology about weeping over everything, Carlos Maza has came out as homophobic demanding a mass unfollowing of hot gay bodies on instagram.
Mean jokes weren’t enough for him, he had to stop everything he claimed turned him on.

This image of sultry young men, was what triggered him. Why, “Sthey are stho unrealsthic looking,” said Maza. Insistent that most gay men are swarthy four eyed whiny bitchy twinks like himself.
One thing he under estimated, no one cares about any man being demeaned or given an unrealistic body expectation, it’s about intersectional feminism, not Men. Only lesbians can whine about barby.
String up and deplatform this homophobe and sexist, yells National Association of Mainsteam Media President, who’s name is Classified for some reason.
“He refused to check his male privilege,” he said, “It’s time he be disappeared.”
Jerry Falwell would be proud of any man taking on hot sultry male bodies on the internet. Christian Coalition spokesman, Ng Toler said, “Thank god for people like Maza, did you know that Crowder used the F word?”

Categories LGBT, Intersectional

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