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Random Stop Discover COVID19 Smuggling Ring


BINGOGATE FLATS, FARNWORTH ESTATES, BC – High Supreme Lord Minister Mike Farnworth praised the VPD for catching people smuggling COVID19 for clearly intentional Super Spreading.
His Majesty said, “These COVIDIOTS will not make anyone sick today,” he went on “The filthy peasants are locked up, and the COVID19 has been confiscated.” In a speech made in front of a convoy with trucks clearly labeled in Mandarin saying “Fentanyl Here.”
Claims by the Mayor of Vancouver were that the shipment manifest showed many orders from “The Corduroy.”
The restaurant owner claimed was not available for comment, however if you believe anyone outside independent media sent so much as a stringer to speak to her, good for you.
Anonymous Twitter Bots and Accounts all over the World are praising the restrictions, but outraged that they have not gone far enough.

Categories Law and Order, Crime


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