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Super Delegates Split on Candidates: DNC


In their special reality show every 4 years, the Super Delegate Choice Awards, the Super Delegates are polling 35/35/25/05 for Biden, Harris, Warren, Sanders.

The 5% who favor Sanders in are Shay Dee/Strawman Poll say that they appreciate him for taking the pegging from Hillary and still obeying the Party.
The rest are split on who will usher in the next war and bring in all that profiteer money.
“We need someone who will say deal with Iran before they bombard it with our financial backer’s bombs,” said Super Delegate, John Dee, who’s similar surname is at no reason to suspect the poll. “Scorched Earth and Censorship are what want them to back.” said Jack Strwaman, Super Delegate and not partner pollster.
It’s hard to see if there are other splits involved, but it’s a tight race of 3 Candidates, showing great intellectual diversity in Democratic terms.


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