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Alexander Haig Rises From The Grave: "I'm The President."


WASHINGTON, DC – As Trump gets rushed to the Hospital, Alexander Haig rised from the grave to declare himself President.
“I’m the President,” he said while feasting on a brain.
Many Democrats and Mitt Romney came out in tremendous favor of his claim, but many are skeptical about his latest take on the rules of succession.
“The difficulty lies in finding Pence,” said a source close to the President, “He may be hiding as this could be a sign of the End.”
The claim didn’t last to long as he found himself in the centre of politicians desiring to eat brains, and nothing proved good enough to keep him alive.
Haig, while alive, and not undead, once declared himself President after Ronald Wilson Reagan was shot and VP George Bush was flying back to Washington.

Categories America, POTUS


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