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F1 Car Hits Convoy: Mexico GP


MEXICO CITY, MX – The Honduran Convoy rams into Tolivar Albinoni, F1 driver with the all time record for being lapped.
During Qualifying, despite massive historical claims of why he never manages to at least stay on lap. Such as bad engine, cheap team, blocks for tires….the list goes on, but now he has suddenly been hit by Thousands of Hondurans illegally in Mexico seeking to enter the United States.
“This is horrible, now I have to sit at the back,” says Albinoni, “Why can’t they look where they are going?”
Seems the Hondurans wanted to see the Race on the way, but in normal fashion didn’t want to bother with the rules of entering the course or pay for it.
Anarchist, Alark Rode was reached for commentary, and all he could say is, “Everyone should be free to enter any country, track, but not my home…go away…”
Mexican authorities where outraged. Conquista Cortez of the Mexican Immigration said, “We did not allow them to stay here, they were suppose to bother the US. If they stand still long enough, we will have to fly them to Canada.”
FIA officials were too busy figuring out the winner of the race for comment.

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